Frequently asked questions | NY Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

The cost for residential service calls/rates ranges from $95 to $178.

The cost for commercial service calls/rates ranges from $178 to $278.

The cost for industrial service calls/rates ranges from $200 to $456

The daily rate for a mechanic ranges from $760 to $1,424 for eight hours of labor per day. A helper is an additional cost ranging from $22 to $42 per hour.

You should service your mini-split unit a minimum of once a year. A homeowner's annual mini-split maintenance ranges from $95 to $712.

A homeowner's annual furnace maintenance ranges from $95 to $534.

You should have preventative maintenance completed on an ice machine a minimum of twice per year. Add nickel-safe ice machine cleaner and allow to circulate while we brush and loosen all hard water deposits for a minimum of two to four hours for residential units. Commercial ice machines may take up to three to four hours.

NY Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Inc. | Refrigeration Repair and Air Conditioning Repair| Forest Hills, Queens County and NYC | Phone #: 917.438.8040, Email: NewYorkRefrigeration.AC@gmail.com